Instructions for Online Entry

Entering the Festival online is like shopping - you can add classes to a basket, one at a time, and pay securely when you are finished.

When you enter for the Festival online, you can pay either via PayPal, or by debit or credit card. There is no facility to pay by cheque when entering online. If you do not intend to pay online by PayPal or card, you must submit a paper entry.

Before you begin the entry process, you need to Register an Account, using your own information, as the entrant. Accounts are deleted after each festival, so for each festival, you have to start by registering a new account. Until the entry closing date, you will be able to look back into your account at any time, even after completion of entry, so that you can check on your entry. Details of each participant will be requested later, as you "shop" for each class. Completing the "Establishment" category is required if you are entering candidates as a school or other organisation; this information can then be added to the programme. Upon completion of the registration process, you will receive an email with a link. (This email often ends up in junk/spam folder. Please ensure you have checked these folders before contacting the festival for advice.) Click on the link and follow the instructions to finalise the registration process. You are then ready to enter candidates.

PLEASE NOTE that in compliance with data protection legislation (GDPR) all registration details are deleted after a festival. So even if you have registered an account for the a previous Festival, you will have to register again to enter the upcoming Festival. 

You may browse the various classes either by searching under the section headings, or by clicking on View all classes. Once a class is selected, read the description and requirements carefully and add the details of each participant. When entering more than one participant per class, this will need to be done one at a time. You can check your basket at any time to see what is already in there.

Use of an Official Accompanist can only be booked by submitting paper copies as detailed on the website – see details under the Official Accompanists page.

If you are entering a group class, you are required to state the expected number in your group in the "size of group" field. On the day of the performance, please confirm the actual numbers to the Recording Officer.

If you have any special requirements, or if there is any information you feel the Festival needs to be aware of, it is possible to add a note after completing the entry. To do this, after purchasing your entries, go into Your Entries and select "Edit Notes" next to the required entry. Enter your notes and then press Save.